Buy Badges

Buy Weekend Player Badges Starting Sep 3rd.

Buy Day Player Badges Starting September 9th.

Note to GMs

Do not buy your badges from the Tabletop Events portal. If we have approved your event to run we will send you a direct link and a discount code that will get you a free pass. What you get will be determined by the number of approved games you run:

GMing 1 game will get you a complimentary badge for that day.

GMing 2 games over the entire weekend gets you a weekend badge.

GMing 3 games over the entire weekend gets you a weekend badge and a T-shirt.

GMing 4 games over the entire weekend gets you a weekend badge, a T-shirt and a free pass for Gods of the North Con next year.

Buy Badges

**We recommend creating your Tabletop Events account before purchasing your badge. **